Thursday 29 April 2010

Fundraising video now up and running

Go to to see more. Happy viewing and thank you for your sponsorship !

Tuesday 27 April 2010

Second sea swim completed !

Another cold dip in the sea last weekend but this time a bit further East near Newhaven in East Sussex. It felt even colder than the first time round but that may well be down to the warmer air temperature (unfortunately I didn't have my little boy's bath thermometer with me this time !).

Managed a good 11 minutes of numbing swimming at a good pace before I got out. The tide was high so I had a relatively steep pebble bank to contend with on my exit. This sounds easier than it was, especially when you take into account the fact I was almost falling over witih dizziness from the cold and the blood rushing back from my shoulders and arms to my legs.

After a few weeks disruption to my training schedule I am feeling as confident as ever on this mad adventure. Seeing the Wissant Sands to the west of Calais from the ferry last week helped me really visualise that moment when I will walk out of the sea into France (I was one of the many trying to make their way back from the continent - seeing the landing point was a silver lining to the ash cloud though).

Fundraising effort will be launched this weekend and the Guildford outdoor 50m pool is opening next week as well. Off training now, so until next time...