Friday 18 June 2010

Urgh...I feel sick

Am having to eat constantly (it feels like it !) in order to try and put some weight on at the moment. After a fairly testing 5 hour swim in Dover harbour last weekend I have decided that I need the one and a half stone I lost back on my body to insulate me from the cold a little bit !

Current order of the day is:-

Breakfast #1 - Protein shake and energy bar after morning swim
Breakfast #2 - Bowl of cereal when I get to the office
Breakfast #3 - Another bowl of cereal at about 10.30
Lunch - Huge bowl of pasta and 300-500g of fish
Mid afternoon - Bowl of cereal
Pre-supper snack - toast or yet more cereal
Supper - Good sized plate and then a Magnum (or two !)

Putting weight on sounds like a dream task but actually you spend a lot of time feeling nauseously full and not particularly enjoying what you are eating. Will be worth it in the end though !

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