Sunday 14 February 2010

Highs and lows

Good and bad week last week with me setting a brand new PB of 1hr 32mins for 5km pool swim, but also having a very busy week which meant I was only able to get a total of 15km of training done.

Have not been feeling great with something going on in my sinuses (which no doubt comes from our kiddies' nursery via their noses !) so not getting too many miles in is probably the sensible course of action anyway.

Last Saturday (7th Feb) I did a good 10km swim and felt fine afterwards which is a good sign this early on. Only nagging issue was soreness deep within my shoulder joints, but again I have no doubt that I will get used to this over time.

Heavy training this week coming with 5km Monday morning and the same again on Monday evening. Have been told about a few alternative pools round here that are a bit longer than the current 18m pool I train in. Turning loses it novelty after a while.

Am looking to tackle the shooting pains I've been getting down my muscles by factoring in some protein powder to my post swim gobble. Hopefully it will help and if not then the Cookies and Cream flavour my lovely wife chose for me should perk me up a bit anyway !!

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