Friday 5 February 2010

Sports massage - Ouch !

Having felt my muscles become increasingly tight and noticed a longer and longer warm up time during my swim training I went for a Sports Massage last night.

Severe pain is probably the best way to describe it, but really positive pain if that makes sense. Massage started off with her working up and down my (rather strained !) shoulder muscles. I lay their comfortably chatting about not very much and thinking that this was all rather nice. Was also deciding just how wimpy everyone else was who had told me to expect some pain !

Halfway through this though process she started working on my knots...yes, knots. These are made up of muscle fibres that, under strain, have stuck together in order to build a form of 'emergency' strength to counteract the strain they are being put under. Over time, they build up to become harder and harder lumps of muscle tissue and it appears the only way to get rid of them is a damn good pounding !

Slept like a baby afterwards (though our littlest baby woke at 4.30 !!!) and today I feel like I've been fitted with a new set of shoulders. Booked in again next week and will then start to go each fortnight until muscles are in better shape.

10k swim tomorrow morning (urgh - 5.45 alarm on a Saturday morning) so will see what difference it makes to my swimming !

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